On Monday we had our little in Linz/Austria, where we presented swync to a larger audience for the first time. It was amazing and we’d like to thank everyone who helped us on our way and celebrated with us. On Facebook you find some and here’s a video from our visualization, showing every new swync user who joined that evening, including connections between those users.
We really appreciate all the feedback we received since we launched that day. We were working hard on updating our app and submitted a new version of swync for Android and iOS that are now available in the app stores. Download swync here:
In our newest version (0.0.3) we fully integrated iOS 10 support and fixed or improved the following issues:
- Fixed: crash at app-start and other random crashes we found
- Fixed: screen-freeze at “Your business contact data”
- Improved: significant error- and info-alerts
- Improved: handling for allowing swync to access your contacts
- Improved: lowered the frequency of the “Inform contacts” pop-up, which will only show up now when you change your own profile data
- Improved: activating/deactivating the automatic info message, which is sent to your contacts after you changed your profile, in your profile settings
- Improved: no “empty contacts” anymore (contacts that only had an email or telephone number, but no first or last name)
- etc.
We really appreciate your feedback. Please send it to us directly within the app (profile/settings) or simply drop us a line at support(at)swync.me. We will include your ideas in our next update and will also add it to our FAQs.Thank you!
And now – have fun with swync!
![Foto by Gerhard Rainer.](/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/swync_app-launch-party_linz.jpg)
swync app-launch party in Linz, Source: Gerhard Rainer
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